Stay Informed About Building Codes Reviews

Get updated on building codes, March 8 and March 13.  Numerous local governments have begun the process of reviewing the 2012 International Residential Code (IRC) and the 2012 International Energy Efficiency Code (IECC).   Join HBA Codes Task Force members as they present what is in the proposed codes, the status of the adoption process locally, what it means to you, and how you can be involved.  The HBA is offering two opportunities for HBA members to stay informed:

Thursday, March 8, 1:30 p.m. at the HBA. Tom French, Jim Haas and Jim Lambie will update members on what has happened during their service on the Overland Park Codes Task Force.  They will provide an update on what the Task Force will recommend to the Community Development Committee and the City Council.

Tuesday, March 13,11:30 a.m. at Tiffany Greens. The Missouri North Area Council will feature a panel including: George Schluter, GWS Homes; Glen Dowding, United Heating & Cooling; and Greg Kudrna, Henges Insulation. Register online at For more information contact Steven Cowen at or 816-733-2237.