Investing in Housing


The KCHBA’s Political Action Committee, HBA-PAC, enables members to strengthen their civic involvement by helping to elect pro-housing candidates at the local and state level. Voluntary contributions from KCHBA members strengthen the HBA-PAC’s participation and keeps the industry strong in the face of mounting challenges. HBA-PAC Trustees meet several times throughout the year to take a close look at candidates running for public office and discuss how certain races could impact a wide range of issues. At a minimum, candidates must support industry positions on legislation, have a pro-housing voting record and be willing to meet with housing leaders to discuss industry issues.

To receive a contribution form and/or for more information, please contact: Jordynn Webster,


2024 HBA-PAC Trustees

Harold Phelps, Chairman
Phelps Engineering
Stan Woodworth, Vice-Chair
Woodworth Law Firm
Bob Frost, Treasurer
Frost Construction Company
Jim Lambie
Lambie Homes, Inc.
Jerry Braklow
Braklow Custom Homes
Brian Rodrock
Rodrock Homes, LLC
Raynard Brown
Inspired Homes
George Schluter
GWS Construction, Inc.
Mark Hoffman
Hoffman Construction, Inc.
Dennis Shriver
Hearthside Homes
Brenner Holland
Hunt Midwest Residential Development
Tom Woods
Woods Custom Homes, LLC
Gary Kerns
Gary Kerns Homebuilders





Elections matter and have a lasting impact. That is why it is so important for NAHB members to be engaged in the political process every step of the way. BUILD-PAC, the political action committee for the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), helps elect pro-housing, pro-business candidates to federal office and is critical to NAHB’s success on Capitol Hill.

KCHBA’s membership is one of the strongest supporters in the nation for BUILD-PAC and has twice in recent years ranked as the largest fundraiser in the nation for BUILD-PAC. Contributions to the national group not only support our federal legislators, but a portion of those contributions are provided to the HBA-PAC, which allows for additional support of local and state candidates.

For more information or to contribute to BUILD-PAC, please click here.