Loans: Know Your Financing Options and the Impact of Interest Rates
By Jeanene Dunn This article on lending is the third in a series about the 5L’s of Homebuilding and how these combined factors affect the cost of new and
By Jeanene Dunn This article on lending is the third in a series about the 5L’s of Homebuilding and how these combined factors affect the cost of new and
By Jeanene Dunn This article is the second in a series on how the 5L’s of homebuilding can impact the price of a new home. Joe Christensen, owner
By Kimberly Winter Stern The 2024 Artisan Homes Tour brings to life the Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City’s (KCHBA) mission, “Homeownership for All,” with its beneficiary, Habitat
By Jeanene Dunn Current land and associated lot prices continue to have an impact on the housing market. Inflation is a stubborn residual from the pandemic that may be
By Kimberly Winter Stern Josh Jacobs recalls the unexpected reaction from students several years ago after entering his Liberty High School industrial technology class into the Home Builders Association