Stay-Home Order Extensions, Expiration Dates
To our members:
Are you wondering which stay-home order expiration date applies to you, your family and/or your business? In an effort to assist you in determining the best course of action, KCHBA is providing links to the various order extensions and their expiration dates below.
- Missouri – Extension expires May 3
- Kansas City, Mo. – Extension expires May 15
- Cass County – Extension expires May 3
- Clay County – Extension expires May 3
- Jackson County – Extension expires May 15
- Platte County – Extension expires May 15
- Kansas – Extension expires May 3
It should be noted that additional modification to these dates is still possible. It is important to remember that just because a stay-at-home order is scheduled to expire, it does not mean that life will immediately return to pre-Covid-19 norms. As new information related to the extension, expiration, and/or phase down of the stay-at-home orders across the Kansas City metro and the circumstances associated with re-opening the economy are made available, we will be sure to communicate with you in a timely manner. KCHBA staff is actively engaged in dialogue with local government officials and business leaders to ensure that the perspective of our members is included in this important series of decisions.
If you have any questions or if the staff at KCHBA can be of assistance in any way, please let us know. While it may be confusing as to which stay-at-home order might apply to you, the safety criteria outlined below still applies for everyone:
- Stay six feet or more away from others.
- Wash your hands often.
- Avoid touching your hands to your face.
- Cover coughs and sneezes.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.
- Consult your physician about any identified symptoms synonymous with Covid-19.
I hope you, your employees and your families are staying healthy.
All the best,