Spring Parade: Frequently Asked Questions
COVID-19 and the resulting unsafe health environment have imposed many challenges for the Spring Parade of Homes. The Parade Committee understands there are questions the builders have regarding this Parade and the following FAQ is being provided to address some of the primary concerns:
1. Is the Parade canceled or postponed?
The 2020 Spring Parade has been postponed until June 13-28. It is our hope to conduct the Parade in a manner that resembles past Parades as much as possible, but because of the ever changing impact the virus is imposing on the public/social interactions, we recognize adjustments may have to made to the tour. That could entail visiting homes “by appointment only” or monitoring the number of people in a home at any given time, etc. We will provide more details on this as we near the start date.
BUILDERS: Please make sure you are utilizing the new Parade platform and uploading your beautiful photos and virtual tours of your homes. Also, please send Kelcee Allen any photos of your homes so we can share on our social media platforms.
2. Will a Parade guide be distributed?
Yes, we will be printing the guide, however, not in the quantity as in past Parades. When we run out of guides, we will be directing everyone to the mobile app and the website home search. The guide will be displayed on the website as well. A reduction in Parade books had been our eventual goal anyway as the new Parade app gains popularity with the public.
You will still receive guides for each of your Parade homes at builder pickup.
3. Will analytics about consumers who have viewed my home on the mobile app be available?
A mobile app analytics report will be made available to builders upon request after the completion of the Parade.
4. Since my home was not ready for the spring original tour dates, am I able to put it on the Parade now?
Yes, we will accept new entries through May 15. The fee is $1,150. The guide has already been laid out and all sorting has been completed, so we will not be able to add your entry to the Parade guide. However, you can upload your home on the mobile app and the Parade website, which will get lots of attention. On the mobile app, your home will function the same as all other entries, including the mapping function, and will be included in the search filters.
Your home will be assigned the tour number after the last home listing. For example, the last home listing number is #381 in Kansas, your home will be assigned tour #382 after the section of homes in Kansas, even if your home is in Missouri.
5. Am I able to add a new house to the contest during this new time frame?
Yes, at the early bird rate of $275. The deadline to add additional homes in the contest is May 20.
6. What if I sell and close my house before the June Parade date?
If you can send the HBA proof from your title company of the date of your closing and the closing takes place between May 10-June 28, you will have ONE of three options:
- Enter a new home in place of the sold home with the same rules applied under question 4, at no additional charge
- Receive a full credit towards an entry in the Fall 2020 Parade
- Receive a half credit towards an entry in the Spring 2021 Parade
7. My contest home sold, can I get a credit?
Yes, you can enter a fall Parade home in the contest at no charge, or if you are entering a new home in place of the sold home in this Parade, you will be able to enter that home in the contest at no charge.
8. Do I have time to update the status of my Parade home, i.e., sold and/or construction status in the parade guidebook?
Yes, at this time we can add a stamp to your Parade home page in the guide. Deadline to get that change submitted to HBA staff is Friday, May 15. You should always update the mobile app any time the status changes.
9. Will the committee, HBA staff, and HBA leadership make additional modifications to the Parade in the lead up to June?
The committee, HBA staff, and HBA member leaders will continue to monitor updates related to the Covid-19 outbreak. The safety of our fellow members, employees, and the home buying public is our highest priority. As additional clarity about the trajectory of Covid-19 is made available, the committee and the broader HBA membership will continue to communicate and make recommendations to ensure that a safe Parade can be conducted for the benefit of all.
Because things are changing on a daily basis please keep checking the Parade website and your email for updates.
10. Who should I contact if I have questions or concerns about this process moving forward?
Parade participants are encouraged to contact Gina Battle, Kelcee Allen, and/or Will Ruder from the HBA staff. You can also contact Parade Committee Chair Patrick Willis or any member of the Parade Committee who would be happy to discuss how this Parade will be conducted.
As we work our way through these unprecedented circumstances, please keep in mind that these historically low interest rates coupled with a low available inventory of homes present an opportunity for our industry. We are committed to hosting some version of a Parade of Homes regardless of the format. In the meantime, it is our responsibility to make sure our long-time Parade events are not encouraging consumers to take unnecessary health risks.