Updated Covid-19 Guidelines
The KCHBA continually works to stay on top of the latest news and information that affects the industry and your business. With that in mind, we wanted to make you aware of the recent regulatory updates that local county and city officials have announced in an effort to reduce the spread of Covid-19.
The Johnson County Board of County Commissioners approved a new Public Health Order on March 25. It includes requirements for physical distancing in public spaces and the wearing of face masks. The order went into effect on 12:01 a.m. on Friday, March 26 and will be in place through 11:59 p.m. on April 30, 2021. Click here to read the order in full. For a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) click here.
Kansas City, Mo., Mayor Lucas has extended Kansas City’s State of Emergency. The updated order will remain in effect until at least 12:01 a.m. on May 1, 2021. The order will be evaluated on an ongoing basis and may be modified as circumstances change, based on guidance from public health officials and other medical experts.
A few of the updates include the following:
- Restaurants, bars, and taverns may resume operating according to their permitted hours. These establishments must also continue to require masks and allow for six-feet of social distancing between parties.
- All attendees and staff of events—no matter the size—must follow masking and social distancing requirements. While events are no longer required to submit a mitigation plan, the Kansas City Health Department will be available for consultation to ensure safety at these events.
- Provided all attendees follow masking and social distancing guidelines, there is no upper limit on gathering size.
- Patrons of gyms, fitness, and recreational centers, including city, school, and other publicly-owned and managed facilities, must require masks and allow for six-feet of social distancing between parties.
Click here for the full order and click here for a list of FAQs from Kansas City, Mo.
Jackson County, Mo. has announced revised protocols that will go into effect on April 9, 2021:
- All essential and non-essential businesses, including gyms, fitness and recreation centers, can open at full capacity. Mask wearing and social distancing are required.
- Restaurants, bars and taverns can operate at full capacity to serve food and alcohol. Mask wearing and social distancing are required.
- There are no capacity limits on gatherings. Mask wearing and social distancing are required.
Click here for more information about Jackson County’s guidelines.
Platte County and Clay County have also followed suit with similar orders. These orders will be in effect until further notice. Click here to read the Platte County order and here for more information about Clay County.
Information can change rapidly, so KCHBA encourages you to visit your county and/or city websites for updates:
- Kansas City, Mo.
- Cass County
- Clay County
- Jackson County
- Platte County
- Johnson County
- Wyandotte County
- Leavenworth County
If you have any questions or if the staff at the KCHBA can be of assistance in any way, please let us know, and please remember that the KCHBA is here to help.