NAHB Highlights KCHBA in Article “BUILD-PAC Fundraisers Get Creative”

Cake team 8 webIn a recent article about creative fundraising, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) highlighted KCHBA’s cake decorating Build-PAC fundraiser at the Kansas City Culinary Center last spring.

“Of the more than 100 fundraising events that took place over the past cycle, several stand out,” the article states. “One, hosted in Kansas City, Mo., by NAHB member Bob Frost, featured a cake-decorating competition, builder ingenuity and plenty of frosting. Frost said that the cake decorating breathed new life into a typical fundraising event, engaging members on the local level, and was one of the most successful events of which he’d been a part. He also did not deny that the event was at least in part inspired by his last name.”

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