Our Goal: Homeownership for All

What do you remember about the first holiday you spent in your house as a first-time home buyer? Is it the pride you felt as you put up that first string of lights on the exterior of the house at Christmas? Or is it the look on your child’s face as he or she sat in front of a birthday cake with everyone singing happy birthday? Maybe it was shooting fireworks in the driveway on the 4th of July.


Whatever memories you made or traditions began from that special occasion, they began in a home. Not a duplex, a townhome or even a single-family house, but a home. Owning a home helps people establish roots, build generational wealth, maintain stability, and helps them to make wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.


The Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City (KCHBA) promotes homeownership through education, research and community outreach. Our goal is to support a diverse and attainable housing supply for everyone in Kansas City. We work toward this goal by serving as a champion for homeownership through leadership, representation and innovation.


We provide educational resources to our members and the broader community to assist with the value of homeownership, economic awareness and workforce development. We contribute to the greater good of the Kansas City community through philanthropy (Home Builders Charitable Foundation), volunteerism, and through diversity and inclusivity. We work to build strong connections inside and outside the KCHBA through collaboration, supporting community events and providing opportunities for feedback from our members and the Kansas City community at large.


The as long as families continue to aspire to owning their own home, the KCHBA will be committed to promoting homeownership for all.


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