New Study Describes Characteristics of U.S. Subdivisions

A recent NAHB study shows that the median size of a subdivision in the United States is 25 total acres, and the median number of housing units in a subdivision is 50.  The results are based on a survey of development projects currently under way or recently completed, conducted by NAHB’s Economics and Housing Policy Group in May 2016.  NAHB conducted a similar survey once before, in 2014.  Results were not drastically different, although the median number of housing units in a subdivision was somewhat higher in the earlier survey.

The 2016 survey collected information on whether a subdivision was inside or outside a metro area, and the type of housing built in it: single-family detached, attached (townhomes or apartment buildings) or a mix of the two. The median number of housing units in subdivisions inside metro areas is 50, compared to 46 for development outside of metro areas.  The median in mixed housing developments is 314 housing units, compared to a median of 65 in attached-only, and 45 in single-family detached only subdivisions.

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