Business to Business Marketing

Buisness-to-Buisness-e1461168773689Membership at the HBA offers the opportunity to introduce yourself and market your company’s services to other building industry professionals. Through various sponsorship and advertising opportunities your company name can be presented in front of hundreds of other members.

When you become an HBA member you are eligible for member pricing, which is significantly lower than the public rate, in all advertising spaces. This includes the Parade of Homes Guide, Home Show Guide and the monthly publication Building Business News.

Along with advertising, members are offered sponsorship opportunities which offer year-long benefits and privileges that add value to the sponsor’s HBA membership. Special events such as the Home Show, the Golf Tournament, Clay Shoot and education classes are also venues for sponsorship and business-to-business marketing.

Click here for 2020 sponsorship opportunities.

For more information, contact Dawn at or call 816-942-8800.

