Two Ways to Save on NAHB Spring Leadership Meeting Travel

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(L to R): Tim Ellis, 2019 NAHB Remodelers Chair; Kert Sloan, NAHB Remodelers Board of Trustee; Bradley Hall, HBA of Greater Atlanta*; Bob Hanbury, NAHB Remodelers Past Chair; April Bettinger, MBA King Snohomish Counties*; Robert Kraay, NAHB Remodelers Board of Trustee; Luke Dobbins, HBA of Raleigh-Wake County*; Dan Bawden, NAHB Remodelers Past Chair.
*2019 Leadership Scholarship Recipients

Are you a local leader — or know a local leader — who’s looking to become involved with NAHB on the national level? If travel costs are a concern, there are two opportunities to help offset the cost of travelling to NAHB meetings.

The Associate Members Committee and NAHB Remodelers each offer programs to help defray costs for deserving local leaders to attend NAHB’s Spring Leadership Meeting, held June 16-20 in Washington, D.C.

The NAHB Remodelers Leadership Scholarship (member log-in required to access) is a $1,500 scholarship designed to encourage local NAHB Remodelers Council chairs and vice chairs to learn about the remodeling industry and become involved at the national level. Winners will be assigned mentors who will educate and support them through orientation activities and NAHB Remodelers Board of Trustees and subcommittee meetings.

“Receiving the [NAHB Remodelers] Leadership Scholarship was truly an eye-opening experience to witness firsthand how our collective voices make a difference at the national level,” said 2019 Leadership Scholarship recipient April Bettinger, CAPS, CGR, of Nip Tuck Remodeling, LLC. “Participation from the remodeling leaders around the country showed the strength of collaboration and the community that has been built to support our industry.”

The Associate Member Leadership Grant is new for 2020 and provides $500 to NAHB Associate members to make attending national meetings more affordable. The intent of the Associate Member Leadership Grant is to cover a portion of the cost for a first-time attendee to attend the NAHB Spring Leadership Meeting so the recipient can participate in Associate Members Committee meetings and events.

“We’re excited to lend some financial support to Associate members who have considered getting involved but haven’t had the chance to travel to a national meeting before,” said Judy Dinelle, chair of the Associate Members Committee. “We know that once they experience national involvement, they’ll want to come back for more.”

Applications for the NAHB Remodelers Leadership Scholarship are due March 16. Contact  with any questions.

Associate Member Leadership Grant applications are due April 3. Contact  with any questions.