Single-Family Permit Numbers Down Slightly in August (August 2019)
The number of single-family housing permits issued in August in the Kansas City metro stayed about the same as July, according to the monthly Residential Building Permit Statistics report compiled by the Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City. The organization reported a total of 436 single-family homes permitted in August, down just 8 percent from the 471 homes permitted in July.
Click here for the August 2019 Residential Statistics Permit report.
Once again, Johnson County issued the most permits in August with three of the five top permitting cities based in that county. The top permitting cities were Kansas City, Mo., (66); Olathe, Kan., (40); Overland Park, Kan., (37); Lenexa, Kan., (36); and Platte County, Mo., (25).
The number of permits pulled in Johnson County year-to-date is down 26 percent compared to 2018. But the largest decreases in permits year-to-date from 2018 to 2019 are in Platte County (-40%), Clay County (-41%), and Wyandotte County (-47%).
Multi-family permits in Kansas City saw an increase in August from 117 to 236. All 236 permits were issued by two cities: Blue Spring and Lee’s Summit.