KCRAR Talks Parade of Homes with EVP Will Ruder
The Kansas City Regional Association of Realtors (KCRAR) recently featured the Spring Parade of Homes on its ResourceKC.com website in an article, “Home Builders’ Association to Host Parade of Homes Event with Added Safety Measures.” In the article, KCRAR spoke with KCHBA Executive Vice President Will Ruder about the changes made to this Parade in an effort to keep everyone healthy and safe.
“The Parade of Homes, a Kansas City tradition for generations, has been modernized in order to provide a safe environment and an improved experience for all,” said Ruder. “We understand people have different levels of comfortability when it comes to interacting with others right now. We consulted a host of safety-oriented resources including local and state health authorities and continually updated CDC guidelines. We also communicated with other local Home Builders Associations from around the country who are also hosting Parades during the month of June.”
Click here to read the full article.