COVID-19 Update: Stay-At-Home Orders, Office Information

To our members:

It is the highest priority of the Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City to keep its members and staff safe while also distributing up-to-date information as events continue to unfold regarding COVID-19. With that in mind, we wanted to provide links to each county’s Stay-at-Home Orders as well as the Stay-at-Home Order for Kansas City, Mo., for your review. Please refer to the jurisdiction corresponding to your home as well as where your business operates.

Of note, the phrase “construction of housing” appears, in some form or fashion, in each of these orders as part of the definition of “Essential Infrastructure.” With that said, we understand that there have been a number of jurisdictions that have interpreted identical text within the order to mean different things. We are working with all of our region’s governing bodies to clarify these orders. However, the text of the orders are clear in that the “construction of housing” means that building can continue subject to enhanced safety protocol. If you experience any difficulty or pushback as this order takes effect March 24, please contact the KCHBA for assistance.

Members are encouraged to use their best judgement in making decisions to keep themselves, their families, employees and communities safe in accordance with the safety guidelines issued by our regional health officials.

This “essential infrastructure” designation carries with it a set of safety criteria that must be followed in order to slow the spread of Covid-19. During this COVID-19 outbreak, we cannot overstate the importance of good jobsite safety and cleanliness while exercising social distancing to keep everybody safe. Guidance for employers issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) can be found here. We would further direct KCHBA members to refer to the safety criteria listed within the Stay-at-Home orders.

In addition, the KCHBA office will be closed to the public and the doors will remain locked until the order is lifted. If for some reason you are unable to reach a staff member, please leave a voicemail and they will return your call as soon as possible. Or, you can contact staff via email:

KCHBA will be sending additional updates as new information becomes available. Due to this, we are suspending distribution of our weekly e-newsletter, This Week at the HBA.

If you have any questions or if the staff at KCHBA can be of assistance in any way, please let us know. Keep an eye out for additional information in communications like this one as we move forward and please remember that the KCHBA is here to help you navigate this unprecedented situation.

All the best,

Will Ruder
Executive Vice President

Cell: 816-517-3187