41 Action News Reports on Permit Data
“In the last six months, I’ve pulled no permits in Kansas City and that’s primarily due to this new energy code. We’ve moved a lot of our operations to different jurisdictions around the metro,” Dennis Shriver, owner of Hearthside Homes and 2024 KCHBA president, told 41 Action News reporter Grant Stephens recently.
Stephens was doing a story on February single-family permits, which are compiled by the KCHBA from data provided by the cities. That data showed that from a month-to-month comparison, the KC metro area is up 179 percent from February 2023 but Kansas City, Mo., is down 74 percent from February 2023.
“Here we are six months after a code change and we see a city that’s issued nine single family permits under that new code having averaged previously 85 permits per month,” Will Ruder told Stephens in an interview.
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